My current fave tv shows are : Junior Masterchef AU & American Idol 10. Gimana yah cara anak-anak kecil itu masak sejago itu (menunduk malu melihat diri sendiri), and for Idol, nampaknya juri-juri baru membawa warna tersendiri pada season 10 ini. Anyway, dua orang ini adalah favorit gw dari kedua acara tersebut.
1. Siena, 9 years old.
(Junior Masterchef Australia Season 1 Contestant)
Though she did not win, she's too adorable to be true! She cook very very well, dan walo masi kecil kadang ngomongnya dengan gaya kayak orang udah gede gitu. And she is so pretty and cute, aaaaw Siena, me want to adopt you ♥♥♥
Though she did not win, she's too adorable to be true! She cook very very well, dan walo masi kecil kadang ngomongnya dengan gaya kayak orang udah gede gitu. And she is so pretty and cute, aaaaw Siena, me want to adopt you ♥♥♥
Some of Siena's cookings :
Imagine! A 9 years old made all of those food! Anyway the other kids were also brilliant! A must watch & drool show for food lovers!
(pics : courtesy of
2. Casey Abrams, 19 years old
(American Idol Season 10 Contestant)
At first sight, waktu Casey di-audisi, ngeliat penampilan dia yang ga meyakinkan, gw ga nyangka nih orang bagus, secara agak semrawut gitu perawakannya, tapi I fell in love with him right after he sang in front of the judges for the first time! Suaranya asik, nyanyinya kayak ga ada beban.
Dan ternyata berbagai babak di Hollywood Week pun berhasil dia lalui. Dia juga seorang pemain bass ternyata, di satu sesi, dia nyanyi, bawa bass betot segede gaban, nyanyi Georgia On My Mind, and I just... WOW! I like him even more.
Last week was a shocking moment, since Casey got the lowest votes padahal ini masih sebelas besar. Then he was given an opportunity to sing for the last time to impress the judges (aturan main baru di Idol 10), then he sang. Dia baru nyanyi 2 kalimat dari lagu yang dia pilih (the first song he sang on the audition), and Randy (the judge) stop him, it was the first time, a judge told a contestant to stop singing, semua keliatan bingung, and guess what? The judges told, they didn't need to listen to that, they already knew how good Casey is, and they saved Casey!!! YAYYY!!! Judges cuma punya kesempatan 1 kali nyelamatin dalam 1 season, and it was for Casey, and Casey was in a deep shock (see the picture below), bahkan dia merasa bersalah karena kesempatan yang 1 kali itu dipake untuk dia, padahal masih 11 besar, don't worry Casey, you deserved it.
Nampaknya memang gw langganan TV berbayar cuma buat ntn Star World aja, daripada nonton sinetron, oh yes, I'm really looking forward to the finale of Putri Yang Tertukar, my dad is addicted to that sinetron, sigh... I'm begging you dearest Mr Prabu & Amira, please leave our TV screen, sincerely, a sinetron hater who miss the time when a sinetron only aired once a week, for only an hour.
Hai hai, niyaoke, gw baru pertama komen nih. gw juga suka sienna, kalo udah gede kayanya bakal jadi cewe2 cool gitu. Gile itu anak2 dikasi makan apa ya di rumah sampe masakannya ga kalah sama chef2 beneran, plus food stylingnya juga profesional banget. Heran gw.
BalasHapusCasey juga gw suka, walau ga ikutin AI, tp Casey ini unik banget dibanding yang lain.
..ka niaa pa kabaree? setujuuu suka banget ma casey.hehehhe..he's the sexiest guy in season 10. :):)
BalasHapusand sienna,too. she's so adorable. but i love TWINS more.hahahha. sophia and isabella, they make amazing italian's food. They are so AMAZING. *ketauan banget ya demen makanan itali.hha.
@Sisie : yo Sisie, kok blom ngeblog lagi? :D Yeap I also love the twins esp. Isabella, tapi Jack juga lucu berantakan2 gitu, tapi very artsy :D